SKIMS Srinagar Junior Assistant written test notification and Syllabus for Junior Assistant written test

SKIMS Srinagar Junior Assistant written test notification and Syllabus for Junior Assistant written test.
Conduct of Written Test for the post of Junior Assistant, Advertised Vide Notice No. 04 of 2017, Dated: June 17, 2017.
It is here, notified for information of all those candidates, who have qualified the Computer Based Typing test for the post of Junior Assistant pursuant to Advertised vide Notice No. 04 of 2017, dated: June 17-2018, that their written test is tentatively scheduled to be held in fourth week of March, 2019.
The syllabus for written-test is forming Annexure - A of this notice. The list of candidates, who have qualified the Computer Based Typing Test shall be available on SKIMS website by or before March 11, 2019.

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Syllabus For Multiple Choice Test For The Posts Of Jr. Assistant Total Marks: 100 A) English: (50 marks) 1. Types of communication - verbal and non-verbal, formal, non-formal. 2. Articles-a, an, the 3. Rearranging of words/sentences to form a meaningful sentence/paragraph. 4. Verb. 5. Active, passive sentences/voices. 6. Answer the given questions from a given paragraph (comprehension). 7. Synonym & antonym. 8. Noun and Pronoun. 9. Tenses. B) General Ability (25 marks)
1. Reasoning i. Number series- one line series ii. Letter series iii. Coding-decoding a. Letter coding b Letter and numerical coding c. Coding using position, number of alphabet. C) Computer (25 marks)
1. Components of Computer, Hardware & Software. 2. Operating system. 3. Types of storage units - Primary & Secondary memory. 4. Memory size (bits, bytes, KB, MB, GB, TB) 5. Basic shortcut commands. 6. Email & Internet. 7. Virus & anti-viruses.
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