JKSSB Notification regarding new GMC recruitment notification 2019.
With reference to the advertisements issued by the Board on 01.02.2019 in respect of 05 Government Medical Colleges of Anantnag, Baramulla, Doda, Kathua and Rajouri and the posts of Forensic Science Laboratory of Home Department, necessary changes have been made in the portal for seeking online application forms, to the extent that candidates having qualifications like BCA, BCS, BCM, BE/B.Tech (computer/IT), MCA, MCS, MCM, BSc (IT), MSc (IT), ME/M.Tech (computer/IT) or BSc (with computer as a subject) can also apply in respect of items wherein the requisite qualification also includes 06 months certificate course in computer applications. These include Item Nos. 33, 34 and 35 of the advertisements 01 to 05 of 2019 of 5 New Medical Colleges and Item No. 06/2019/007 of the advertisement in respect of Forensic Science Laboratory of Home Department.