Select list of candidates for the post of “Jr. Assistant" in School Education Department, District cadre Anantnag, Bandipora, Baramulla, Budgam, Kupwara, Pulwama, Shopian and Srinagar, item Nos. 017,022,034,043,101,116,147,157 Notification No. 01 of 2016, dated 01/06/2016 under SRO, 202 of 2015, dated 30/06/2015.
The following candidates who have been selected in School Education Department, under SRO 202 of 2015, dated. 30/06/2015 for the post of “Junior Assistant'in District Cadre Anantnag, Bandipora, Baramulla, Budgam, Kupwara, Pulwama, Srinagar, pursuant to the select list issued by J&K Service Selection Board, Srinagar, vide communication No. SSB/Secy/ Sel/2018/8075-81, dated. 11/07/2018, No. SSB/Secy/Sel/2018/7737-43, dated. 06/07/2018, SSB/ Secy/Sel/2018/8089- 95. dated. 11 /07/2018. No. SSB/Secy/Sel/2018/8124-30, dated. 11 /7/2018, SSB/Secy/Sel/2018/7737-43, dated. 06/07/2018, No. SSB/Secy/Sel/2018/8229-35, dated. 11/07/2018,and No. SSB/Secy/Sel/2018/8304 8310, dated. 11/07/2018, respectively conveyed by Admn. Deptt. vide letter No. Edu-l/615/2018, dated. 20/08/2018, have failed to deposit their requisite documents/testimonials before CEO's concerned within the stipulated period of 21 days for seeking formal adjustment on Junior Assistant post in compliance to the provisional appointment order issued vide No. 1162-DSEK of 2018, dated. 10/09/2018 hereby given final opportunity to submit their requisite documents/testimonials indicated below in this Directorate within a period of ten (10) days from the date of publication of this notice in press, failing which it shall be construed that they are not willing to join the Department and their provisional appointment order issued vide No. 1162-DSEK of 2018, dated. 10/09/2018, shall be deemed to have been cancelled ab initio and the candidates figuring in the wait list wherever applicable shall be considered under rules.
1. All Academic/Technical Qualification Certificate.
2. Permanent Resident Certificate.
3. Category Certificate.
4. Age and Health Certificate
5. Discharge Certificate from the Institution attending / last attended
6. Certificate from District Industries Centre /Employment Exchange to the effect that no loan under Self employment scheme has been taken.
7. lotal marks obtained and percentage of the selectee in consonance with merit list authenticated from the original certificates. Tins Notification is issued without prejudice to any writ petition(s)/suit(s), if any, pending before the Hon'ble High Court
or any other Court of Law or any order which may not be presently within the knowledge of this Directorate.
DIPK-1227S-18 Sd/- Director